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Project 1 C
Weiqi Wu​ Ziqi Guo Christina Chen Sara Hosseini
The concept we proposed for the 3D storytelling environment is that illustrate the beginning of our story using a storyboard sequence. We used the previous story for building the game, however, it is an explored detective story * that requires lots of room and spaces to be built for the exploration purpose. Making less work but a more "polished" final result. Therefore, we decided to narrow down and create the storytelling environment for the first two plots. Tthe first plot is "detective received the mail that asking him to investigate the death of Auguestine;" the second plot is "exploring the Auguestine's room and find the suspicious clues".
As we have four people in the same group, while each of us has one specific software being prefered to use, we decided to make a storyboard instead of rendering one new video. The storyboard sequence will be shown in the first person perspective of the detective. People could understand the story from the perspective of the detective, to better understand how the story start and what happen. To make a continuity storyline, we made each shoot having some clues for the following shot, which having a corner of a bookshelf (the second scene to the third scene) and have a same background for the environment.
* The whole detective story could be found in this link.
The 1st Plot:
Detective is in his room. He is going to take a walk in the village. When he opens the door, he saw a letter in front of his house. He picked up the letter and read through it. The letter is from the Chief of the MythValley village. The Chief is asking detective to go to Auguestine's house to investigate the death of Auguestine.

The 2nd Plot:
Detective arrives Auguestine's house. He wents to Auguestine's room first to start the investigation. He explores the look carefully with all the details.

The 3rd Plot:
After the investigationall the details on Augustine's body, detector start his further investigation of Augustine's room. Starting with his bookshelf, his table, and his bed. On the bookshelf he found a shred amulet, on his table there is a cup with some liquids, under Augustine's bed there is his diary....

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