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For this assignment, our group had made divided our works and made several arrangements during the making process. We first divided our work to each person built one room of the story in 3D space. However, due to the reasons of building four rooms will be complex and time-consuming, we decided to create one room and members will divide different parts of the room.
Weiqi Wu
Ziqi Guo
Christina Chen
Sara Hosseini
- Detective Room (Beginning scene); Auguestine's room (Enter room and details of the death body)
- Auguestine's room (The room building, plants, clues on table)
- Auguestine's room (The clues on the bookshelf)
- Auguestine's room (The clues under the bed)
Detective's Room (Beginning scene):
Auguestine's Room (Enter room & details of death body):
Since there should not be live object, I decided to use a fake human figure object to represent the death body of Auguestine.
Auguestine's Room (With the clues on bookshlef and the table):
Ziqi's first time building 3D models with blender. She explored material rendering/editing, symmetrical furniture building, adding other assets (bookshelf) into the scene. Without using ant other well-made assets she learnt from how to create each assets and contain them in an environment.
In this project, as it is a collavorate scene to be created, we investigated how to make our scenes being in the same room, we then decided the layout, including which position the furniture should be placed, we also used the same ornamentation styles to the room and tried to make each furnitures in a same style.
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