Create the topia world (Christina)
Working on the topia world to experiment with the assets and functions. (Ziqi, Weiqi)
Continue experimenting with the topia world (Ziqi, Weiqi)
Brainstorm illustration style and top view of topia world map in Miro (Christina, Weiqi)
Working on Phase 1, experimenting with the topia world (Ziqi)
Create one custom assets and add it into the topia world – phase 1 (Weiqi Wu)
Creating the Doctors room - bed, shelf, chair, light illustration (Sara).
Creating sleepy man and shelf illustration (Christina)
Creating the illustation of Auguestine’s house (Mae’s room/Auguestine’s work office/ Auguestine's room) (Ziqi Guo, Weiqi Wu)
Set up the whole world environment with custom assets and topia assets - the center of the valley, the notification board, the lake and the river, the tree, the grass, the enter of the valley. (Ziq Guo, Weiqi Wu)
Creating the players home including bed, desk, mailbox illustrations (Sara)
Creating the information text, private zone, mute zone, and places that people could gather and communicate in the middle top of the map. (Ziqi Guo, Weiqi Wu)
To solve the problem that 10.04 had, we decided to draw out the entire assets, so we won’t need to worry about the layer too much. (Ziqi Guo, Weiqi Wu)
Creating the illustration of Celestina’s old and new neighbourhood, and the resulting clues (Christina)
Adding functions to the topia world - Background music, teleports, audio clues for the assets, conversations between NPC, adding sketch functions and clickable pop-up image. (Weiqi Wu, Ziqi Guo)
Adding music, sound effects, teleportation, and FigJam collaboration board (Christina)
When placing the asset in topia, the layer and the location is set in a releative way. When we want to add a name or custom text on top of the topia asset, it will relatively behind the topia asset.
We had feedbacks from the professor, we need to encourage people in topia interacting with each other..
How to make players find the answers of who's the murder? We later decided to have an open-ending but make players vote who do they think the murderer is.
work on wix website (Christina, Sara, Weiqi Wu, Ziqi Guo)
Group Members
Create the topia world (Christina)
Working on the topia world to experiment with the assets and functions. (Ziqi, Weiqi)
phase1: work on the mind map.
Phase 2: Creating custom asset. Did drawing for Augusting's rooms, Mae's room, houses, city infrastructures, characters, plants...
Drawing custom assets (above).
Recording voice for every room.
Making the vote functions.
Assisting Weiqi to arrange, design different assets.
Change log-probelms we have ​
details for topia explaination
contribution table filling​
Ziqi Guo
Weiqi Wu
Pha​​se 1:
Work on the top down view that set up in Miro board
Phase 2:
Create custom asset to try this function. Assist Ziqi with all painting& drawings and designing.
Phase 3:
Topia world:​
Set up the topia world environment with customs assets and topia assets​ (the center of the valley, enter of the valley, tree, waterfall, lake, places can sit and communicate, path)
Placing the asset and adjust the layout of the world (Auguestine's house which includes Auguestine's room, Auguestine's work office, Mae's room)
Set up the mute zone and private zone in topia world
Set up the sketch link for visitor to take note
​change log​
detail of each section
contribution table
Christina Chen
Sara Hosseini
Brainstorming, illustrating, and adding audio & teleportation to Medicine & Herbs, Celestina's old neighbourhood, and Celestina's new house. Also added Figjam note taking collaboration and wrote main documentation on Project 2B tab of Wix.
Brainstorming, illustrations, mostly working on the rooms such as the players room and doctors room using procreate on ipad. Played around with topia. Also worked on wix.