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  • Create the “World Building Prompts”(Christina, Sara, Ziqi, Weiqi) 


  • Discuss the plot details and write down how the plot will develop (Christina, Sara, Ziqi, Weiqi) 


  • Create the general flow chat (Weiqi, Ziqi) 


  • Brainstorming and fulfill the story processions. (Ziqi and Weiqi) 


  • Create a general story timeline. (Ziqi and Weiqi) 


  • Refine the story map (Christina and Sara) 


  • PROBLEM-SOLVING: To solve the problem of creating and building the storyline, Ziqi and Weiqi learned from the paper from Jenkins, “Game Design as an architecture.” From then we decided to have only one refined story line as a start. So, at this point, we try to deny our r initial ide idea of making the story an “open ending,” instead, we created one refined time and fulfill  it, then we implement the rest ideas. (Ziqi and Weiqi) 


  • PROBLEM-SOLVING: To better cooperate as a team, we separated our team into two groups: Ziqi and Weiqi; with Christina and Sara. We splinted our group based on our locations difference. Then, we made the “world coffee” communication strategy to take comments in turn, presenting ideas from different people and manipulate together at the end.    

  • How to build the whole story efficiently?  


  • How to cooperate to become more productive as a team? 


  • How to deal with the time difference? 

  • Continue with the plot, finish the storyline. (Ziqi and Weiqi) 


  • Braistorming and fulfill the rest (Ziqi and Weiqi) timeline, character background. (Ziqi and Weiqi) 


  • Implementing more story details to the story. (Ziqi and Weiqi) 



  • Creating the twine story (Christina, Sara) 


  • Continue with the twine story (Ziqi, Weiqi) 


  • Editing twine story and making illustrations (Christina, Sara)  


  • Editing twine story (Ziqi, Weiqi) 


  • Creating the documentation (Weiqi, Christina)


  • After the Lecture, Weiqi and Ziqi added the illustrations based on the notes and the advices from the class.

    •  1. Instead of having a refined inventory system (we had run out of our time, we do not have enough time on making the whole inventory system), we added some “inventory notes” by the investigation process. Thus to give players a clear mind of what clues they have gained, as well as summarize their play experience.

    • 2. We gave the game a refined      ending, to make each character in the game have their monologue with character illustrations.  

  • Reflects: When we conclude our game-making experience, we found that we spent too much time on building this game a complexed plot. We tried to have a spacial game story behind this Twine game. However, we ignored the time we have. As we only have one week to make a Twine narrative game, this should be something short but perfect instead of “too long to be read/make”. If we have another chance to make the game, we would like to make just one tiny line but do that perfectly, with a lot of details in the plot, and paying more attention to players’ eoerience of the game and their feelings of the game. Having a plot would be important, however we might need a tight and refined plot in this assignment. 

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