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Project 1 A


Weiqi Wu​      Ziqi Guo      Christina Chen      Sara Hosseini

Our story takes place in 1348, while the spread of the Black Death was overtaking Europe.


MythValley is where magic is common. 


It's a murder mystery, where the player is a detective and must investigate the death of Augustine Calderon. 


We were inspired by medieval Europe and the creepy aura of the Plague Doctor, who had to wear a bird-like mask to protect from infection. The anime "Case Closed" gave us an idea to add the detective element, and a Chinese Harry Potter game was what sparked our addition of magic and wizards. 

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You are a detective, your purpose is to find out who killed Augustine. Investigating the people around the village as well as form suspects including Mae, Mistress Celestina, multiple witnesses and the doctor will bring you closer to the killer.

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We also created a number of illustrations to help the player visualize the setting as the game goes on.

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The background music also helped bring out our game more to live.

Background music
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